Sunday 2 June 2019

BGIG residential training at Church House

These are photographs from a BGIG residential training weekend from 2003. I found the polaroid pictures attached to the poster the leaders had made during my training which was on Publicity and Promotion. I think they really captured the essence of the fun and spirit we had at these really special training weekends which used to be held twice a year in March & October. I was fortunate to be asked to organise them after the 1st one I attended as a trainer, on the stipulation that Saturday afternoon was given over to the AGM then a walk into Lubbecke (North Germany) for a visit to the lovely craft shop and an amazing ice cream. One year, as my son was only a few months old, and I was still feeding, my whole family came and stayed at a hotel so I could pop out and feed him! 

The facilities were amazing and it was a wonderful opportunity for someone who didn't even have their Trainers Licence yet. I also got to team train here for the first time with a young Canadian Leader called Patti; and hold the 1st Trainers Support Group in BGIG at one of the residential weekends following the introduction of the new Trainers Qualification. I only wish I had thought to take more photographs as these are the only ones I have from some really enjoyable weekends. Looking back 16 years, today's residentials feel different mainly because they are more "educational" and in BGIG we had the opportunity to catch up with each other every 6 months so therefore you could be more collaborative and share resources & ideas more easily. In addition there was the opportunity to act on feedback and try new things out on the next weekend.

I don't know if the Polaroids will last another 16 years, and it's the first time I have every used these types of photos for Scrap booking. I would love the opportunity to go back for another weekend and of course ice cream to Lubbecke!

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