Sunday 21 April 2019

Once upon a time we started every training with a reading.

Another find today whilst catching up with admin - I had forgotten about this really useful book. Once upon a time we used to start each training and in fact most P & T meetings with a reading. They never struck me as being particularly religious; but when we changed the wording of the Promise the custom seemed to disappear. At one point a lot of trainers had this book, I notice you can buy a 2nd hand version on Amazon for 1p, and the Kindle version is available for £4.99.                                

It was really interesting to see the pages I had left bookmarks in as I had used those readings to start trainings including one about change!   One of my favourites is on 4th September about LEARNING and concludes with "The next time a "wrang-wrang" drops into my life, I have he option to recognize that person as a teacher."

Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much - Revised Edition

ISBN 978 0 06 073624 8

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