Thursday 28 February 2019

Thinking Day 2019

So beautiful - our unit Thinking Day service this year, and the brownies lit the candles themselves:

Sunday 24 February 2019

A user friendly Guide to becoming a TRAINER in 1992 and 2019!

Another blast from a retired Trainers bag but I do love this, and I wanted to show how relevant it still is today. Even though it dates from an era when Trainers did a different type of Trainers Licence to the one we do now. Midlands Trainers do the most amazing publications and please note copyright is owned by "Raine" . Hope somebody has a copy of this in the Girlguiding Training Archives?

Note the 3rd stanza: "To be friendly, warm and caring too, sharing and trying methods new"
All just as relevant in 2019 as 1992
Ah travelling to a training on a train - I don't think so (I once tried flying and the only space in my case was for spare knickers and a toothbrush!) The advice on commissioners is very real today - just treat them as other leaders. Theses days they tend to be the youngest leader in the room as they didn't manage to step back fast enough!
I don't ever remember being sent detailed facts by the organiser, maybe I've just forgotten. The RECHECK advice is still current as is the part about DON'T PANIC and how to say NO (I still can't do that and feel guilty when I have to)!
Self evaluation is still the best type of evaluation when you've been doing it a while, and look not a single mention of the internet or www and how novel going to a library.
The idea of talking it over and the more experience you gain will allow your licence to be awarded seems a bit haphazard these days but makes it easier to understand from a historical point of view some of the practices we have seen in the last decade in training. Good to see it written down that there is no disgrace in opting out of training. It is like an addiction and I learn so much especially from those I train but I like the idea of "willingness to continue as a Trainer" as making it seem like its my choice to continue.


Friday 22 February 2019


I have recently inherited a bag of training materials from a very good friend who has been training for Girlguiding since 1977 and recently retired from doing so. Many of the national materials in the bag I am already familiar with. I don't know if this was ever official Girlguiding material, as I haven't seen it before. It appeals to me though as I particularly like the idea of DIVERSITY being "regardless of years" which seems particularly relevant these days especially in Girlguiding. Young leaders and trainers are very much needed but sadly there are far more of us with many years experience!

Monday 4 February 2019

A Training Star for undertaking Girlguiding training

Nottinghamshire Girlguiding have a lovely way of incentivising leaders to undertake Girlguiding training, this is an extract from their website:
Training forms a key part of being a leader in Guiding. It helps leaders to stay up to date and full of new ideas to keep unit meetings safe and fun.
Every time you attend a training, make a note of the details on your record card. Be sure to get it signed or stamped by the trainer.
When you have enough points for a Training Star, send your completed record card to Girlguiding Nottinghamshire Headquarters.
Download a Record Card.
To receive the County Training Star, a Leader or Young Leader is required to gain 6 points.
Points are awarded as follows:              
Nottinghamshire trainings points
Region or National training event points
County Training Day 2
County Weekend 3 Weekend 3
Full Training Day 2 Full Training Day 2
Evening or Half Day 1 Evening or Half Day 1
A training such as ‘first aid at work’ or ‘safeguarding carried out whilst at work’ will count as 1 point.
For an event, other than a county organised training, to count (including a training element to a meeting) it must have been agreed with the County Training Team.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Reflection Safe Space L3

  • Venue's - need to have available parking near by that allows more than 3 hours parking. There is nothing more galling than arriving to see the car ahead of you take the 2nd of 2 car park spaces within the church grounds; and then for the driver to disappear towards the shops with a shopping bag! I decided it was too risky to block her in, and threw myself on the goodwill of Sainsburys, but then had to lugg by bags round the corner to the church.
  • Signing off the L2 worksheet continues to prove an issue - as this was a training for my own division I had agreed to do the conversation before the training for 3 leaders. However, with parking and projector delays it was pended until the end of the training; and it soon became apparent it wasn't 3 but 8 of the leaders who needed the conversation. Therefore the 3 hour training was followed by a 30 minute workshop session on the conversation. It appears there is a shortage of commissioners who are trained to have the conversation. I wouldn't be keen to provide this level of service if I had a 1-2 hour drive after the training to get home (but I was only 10 miles from home yesterday).
  •  Unfortunately the new FGM scenario detracted from the message, as the scenario involves a TA speaking to the brownie leader and everyone was just so shocked that there was no way school staff would breach confidentiality in such a way. 1st time I have used the new scenarios and it was a shame this one diverted from the message so much.
  • The news over the week before e.g the 1st FGM conviction, estimated rates of cannabis use in thee early twenties and under, & the number of terrorists who grew up in Gloucester made for really good conversation in the signs exercise. As a result I had to move the 12 leaders on at pace through the rest of the training. They did give the impression of being a really supportive team who work well together though.
  • They did comment on the grief I took on the new programme training at inset week in September, which was re-assuring that they recognised it was resistance to the new programme itself, and not the training!
  • The beautiful freesias were much appreciated, and so was the leader who said she had enjoyed doing the training this year compared to last year!