Monday 30 July 2018

Transition to the new programme - dispensation arrangements

Started doing the e-learning modules for the new programme today (overview & programme planning) and discovered there are some special transition arrangements for brownies who don't have enough time left in brownies to complete a Gold Award:
"Activities that Brownies have completed as part of the current programme will not normally count towards the Brownie Gold award, but until the end of the academic year 19/20 a special dispensation to this rule will apply. Instead of the requirement to complete all six theme awards, a Brownie can complete two of the three Brownie Adventure badges and one new Brownie interest badge from three of the six themes to demonstrate she has participated in a balanced and varied programme. Brownies will still need to complete the section Gold challenge".

Full text is available here:

Saturday 28 July 2018

Hospitable welcome on launch day.

County Durham Badge

I was made to feel so welcome last Saturday, on launch day, after driving 250 miles I was desperate to see the inside of the section and badge/award books. I came straight off the A1 to catch the end of the coffee launch morning at the local trading shop. There was actually very little left to buy but 1 leader put back purchases so I could buy a copy of each and pour over them that evening. I was made to feel so welcome and had to buy the local county badge for the area I grew up in, but never ever did any guiding! Lovely atmosphere at their coffee morning though, which made me wish I had had the opportunity.

Really enjoyed going through the new resources and looking forward to planning for the new term incorporating our new programme.

Saturday 14 July 2018

Example of role play that worked well!

This week I participated in a work training delivered by an external trainer. The topic was on personal impact, the trainer came from a theatre background and did really well compressing her session down into 3 hours because of a certain football match!
After a number of warm up actor type exercises we were split into 4 groups each with a different scenario - I was a head nurse! As well as roles, picked out of a cup we each picked a playing card between ace-10 (there were no duplicates). Ace represented weak power and 10 the strongest power with regard to communications; so in my scenario the "consultant" picked a 10 and the "cleaner" was a 1. I was a 6 in the middle of the power stakes. The point of the exercise was to understand all those comms signals we take for granted and to understand how you can influence the interaction.

In the main the role play went well there were a couple in  the group who are introverts that looked terrified. One said afterwards she was glad she went first to get it over and done with. Another said if she had wanted to be an actor she would have gone into the theatre! I was reflecting why it went so well when the trainer had only known the group for less than 2 hours. I would only attempt something like this at the end of a residential weekend however, I decided it worked because as a team all the participants knew each other and we work together, so it didn't really matter that the trainer didn't really know her audience that well. In the main feedback from participants was that they enjoyed it.