Thursday 6 April 2017

Reflective practice for a PDP

I've really enjoyed reading this book by Jenny Moon - I did a couple of exercises from it a few years ago when I did a seminar at work on reflection. However I have started a university course and this was one of the prescribed books so I read the whole thing. Can't believe just how much I empathised with the essence of reflective practice. It was really aimed at education practitioners but I could see the benefit of doing much deeper reflection and examining feelings. I do understand and practice Kolb - taking action after reflection, but I need to try harder and go deeper and be less descriptive.

I truly believe we should do more on reflective practices for GG training as there is so much to be gained for new and existing trainers. This is a university copy of the book but I have tried to buy it and even a 2nd hand copy is around £25.

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