Sunday 30 April 2017

SWEBOTS In the air

South West Region have done it again with another fabulous resource - this one is a science, technology, engineering & maths, STEM, resource and the ideas & badges are really gorgeous. All the activities relate to the air - and the resource has been compiled with the Royal Air Force Charitable Trust.

In order to gain a badge the "suggestion" is that a badge can be earned by trying 4 different activities. There is the opportunity to do bonus activities with advanced options for another badge, alternatively you might decide 4 bonus activities earn a ProfBOT or an InfoBOT. Or you could earn a particular badge by visiting a science themed centre - there are a number given in the accompanying booklet.

Lovely resource to build into a section training - I want an InfoBot badge.

SWEBOTS In the air Resource Pack

Friday 28 April 2017

Safe Space e-learn modules

There are now 3 safe space modules, for the current syllabus, which are a pretty good representation of the Safe Space training. I've only just managed module 1 which is a bit glitchy all the information doesn't display when you click the pink arrows. The multiple choice questions all work but then when you have to click and drag the statements to turn them white it doesn't work at all. Unfortunately clicking next moves you onto the next topic and not an opportunity to complete the questions. You have to complete an evaluation of the content before you can get the certificate, and you have to know to press the back button in order to get the (blank) certificate to print.

I started module 2 but got stuck virtually at the beginning, as I couldn't move onto next, unless I completed the drag & drop question but I wasn't allowed to click under the bubble telling me what to do. Nor did the next button work. I will have another go tomorrow.

I think maybe a bit more testing was required before going live.   

Thursday 6 April 2017

Reflective practice for a PDP

I've really enjoyed reading this book by Jenny Moon - I did a couple of exercises from it a few years ago when I did a seminar at work on reflection. However I have started a university course and this was one of the prescribed books so I read the whole thing. Can't believe just how much I empathised with the essence of reflective practice. It was really aimed at education practitioners but I could see the benefit of doing much deeper reflection and examining feelings. I do understand and practice Kolb - taking action after reflection, but I need to try harder and go deeper and be less descriptive.

I truly believe we should do more on reflective practices for GG training as there is so much to be gained for new and existing trainers. This is a university copy of the book but I have tried to buy it and even a 2nd hand copy is around £25.