Saturday 25 March 2017

Future Mapping Template

Future Mapping Template

This is a template for a change management discussion - best used as a group exercise with a glass of wine and a box of chocolates. The idea being that the participants plan how they are going to progress along the change road getting over the hurdles to get to the happy smiley Brownie at the end. There is Lady Baden Powell asking what obstacles need to be overcome on this particular Guiding change journey? There is a  naughty sprite hiding, waiting to jump out and catch the leaders on their journey by surprise! Make your own template to focus on your particular change journey, it really does work, and gets some amazing discussion going!

I enjoy doing leadership & management type trainings - there just isn't enough requests these days. I really need an observed training for my Trainer Renewal this year but all anybody wants at the moment is Safe Space - just got another request in for May. Can't wait for the new training plan.

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