Tuesday 28 February 2017

Objective writing

Objectives should always be written with SMART in mind. However there is a really useful Taxonomy of Educational Objectives from 1956 produced by BS Bloom & DR Krathwohl. Whilst maybe rather elderly text, the doing words provide a really useful list of objective writing words to draw from. See photos below:


Monday 27 February 2017

Post Safe Space review

So far its been a busy start to the Training year so this Safe Space training was actually a couple of weekends ago at our residential weekend Gloucestershire organises annually, for the LQ so the vast majority of leaders tend to be in the 16-18yr old group. I usually do the Guide section training but due to another commitment in London I couldn't make the Saturday. Safe Space had been moved to the last session on Sunday to allow other leaders to attend who just needed Safe Space to complete their LQ.

It was fantastic to have access to a proper photocopier in the office at Deer Park as it took a fraction of the time to complete all the copying. I had to lay down the law to ensure we started on time straight after lunch in order to get the full 3 hours training in, to get people on their way by 3.30pm. Although it was a bit disconcerting that the stragglers from lunch who had been up Bubbs Hill to find a phone signal, then came in late, and started to munch on sandwiches through the start of the training.

I feel I have the content down now virtually verbatim in synch with the power point slides. It helped staying over the night before as I took possession of a table and laid  out everything in the right order - although the GG Handbook kept being "borrowed" and  I forgot to pack the Free Being Me leaders pack which I use to plug the role of Peer Educators.

The session went really well with plenty of interaction on the group sessions - as usual there was loads of contribution on the cyber bullying section, and the more mature of the participants benefited from what the younger ones were saying.

I didn't do the Safe Space evaluation form as I was more intent on getting the one stop weekend (which is the name for the LQ weekend) returned. Feedback on those for Safe Space were all positive.
I had just made notes the day before on the revised Safe Space scheme panned for April - it will be interesting to see what the final content looks like.

Empathy Mapping as a way of doing Change Management

This is an example of an empathy map I did around my Trainers Renewal which is due this year. I'm using it as an example in a forthcoming commissioners training as it really illustrates the benefit of taking control of emotions. Empathy mapping is based on what people think , feel, see & hear in order to do things differently. A very handy technique for change management.