Thursday 29 September 2016

Self Reflection Adventure Indoors training inset 2

Lovely appreciative Division - they might be the furthest away from me but they are such a lovely lot to train! You just have to look out for the wild boars on the drive home. 10 leaders were booked in and 23 ish turned up. They weren't shy at joining in, and used the small corridor in the school for the snow ball fight. They also proved that leaders can be as messy as the girls (glue all down the outside of the bottle) - well they were doing a challenge from the messy challenge! I forgot the origami fish instructions so in true guiding style leaders taught themselves and each other.

The questions during the formal bit focused in on data protection of the starting section forms and how long they could realistically be retained. We were fortunate to have the County GO! expert in attendance. There were very interested in the educational framework which I think is good because most of the audience were experienced leaders. They helped clear away and were so complimentary one said it was one of the best trainings they had been too.

I'm always willing to go back to this Division to train!

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