Tuesday 30 August 2016

Planning a Training Part 2

Still reading Chapter 3 of Training and with your full understanding of what is required after your exchanges with the Training Organiser the next important step is to put the Aim & Objectives together for your training. In doing so remember training is about delivering the facts & providing opportunities for the participants to share experiences and develop the enthusiasm for leaders to believe they can do that.

Check out some sample aims and objectives (many GG resources include a sample training plan to get you thinking) remember the language of the words in the objectives - are they measurable ones? If you are struggling check out the Guiding Conversations series - these will start you off with questions to ask and you can really see the benefit in the planning process.

Are you using the correct medium to deliver the training? Some topics work well in a virtual classroom others need to be hands on and body language is valuable in determining how the messages you are delivering are being received. Giving consideration to the best format for delivery is important as this will impact on how easily you can vary the pace. {20 years ago the concentration span used to be 60 minutes now the recommendation is to change the pace every 12 minutes = the average length of an X-box session!}So you need to incorporate into your planning.

At this stage you will have an idea of what resources and content is available to include in your training; the planning process will help you refine this list. Next comes Part 3. 

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