Sunday 28 February 2016

Virtual Classroom training

South West Region is starting a pilot of a virtual classroom technology called Electra following on from webinars but a much more sophisticated tool and feels like a real classroom environment - including asking questions and involving live polls. I've participated in 2 sessions now with my really old 2007 laptop and it is incredibly easy to use. This was my verdict on the last trial:

"It was wonderful to be able to spend my 3rd guiding evening of the week sat on my own sofa with a coffee and “speak” with a commitment to a common standard from my own living room. (My husband would need not know how many nights I’m out training using this method)! This package will give us a fabulous opportunity to appeal to the younger members and just think how we could help support those on the Leadership qualification who have got “stuck”. I can’t wait to get going.
Ipad users seemed to be struggling a bit but not to the extent that benefits are outweighed by the disadvantages. My screen protector is set at quite a small time so when it kicked in I lost speech for a few seconds. We still have leaders in Glos who don’t own a computer or smart phone."
A couple of weeks ago I spent a day down in Salisbury having a go as a trainer and now have set 6 dates for Glos virtual class room tainings in the book, and produced a set of FAQ's - let's see how it goes! It's really exciting.


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