Monday 1 September 2014

Resources for Brownie Adventure training

This is a "treasure hunt" using the new Brownie Adventure book:
The answers are:
  1.       Adventure, Adventure On, More Adventures
2.       3
3.       P62
4.       P66
5.       Clean-up time
6.       Diwali (p93)
7.       See p34, p70, p104
8.       BROWNIE (p110)
9.       P123
10.   World Association of GG & Girl Scouts
11.   P132
12.   The Pandas
13. p15
14.   P37

This is a twist on the Feelings wheel on page 78 (I tried getting the girls to draw the faces but they all ended up looking the same!) brownies need to add a pointer with a split pin to use the wheel. There are 2 wheels on 1 piece of A4 card to get the most from the printer.

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