Wednesday 28 February 2018

Fiddle kit at The Training

I had this suggestion at a recent training about the benefits of not just mints to help people's concentration but the idea of making a fiddle kit available which I understand is becoming common practice in corporate trainings. The idea being that small toys or items to fiddle with are provided for the participants to play with during the training. I had a look online and found The Training Shop at: For £24.95 +VAT they provide a cotton bag with 15 items for delegates to play with including stress balls, bendy men, slinkys and Koosh balls. That set me to imagining about what girl guiding equivalent items could be used to make up a fiddle kit? The discontinued stress bear, the leader sat on an ice cube from a few years ago, fiddly key rings, bendy men region folding Frisbees and half a small football turned inside out after a few minutes jumps off the table.
Do you dare me - I've got just the back only need the items?

Light and Sound Buzzers (Set of 4)
Fancy a set of  light & sound buzzers for £20 +VAT, I've already got a hotel reception bell and use it with brownies, guides and in trainings but I fancy these imagine how much fun you could have in trainings & unit meetings. 

Safe Space Level 3 Booklet order code 6995

20,000 copies of the A Safe Space (Level 3) booklet are now available through trading. Any

    volunteer may order them, but these are being provided to ensure all units have one copy. T hey are not being provided for each leader.

    Copies are free but subject to normal delivery charge, per order not per unit.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Further Reflections on New Safe Space

I have just about recovered from last weekend 2 day marathon of 12 hours on safe space training over 2 days - if I have to do that again I will take Friday & Monday off either side as it is incredible tiring and the only way I managed it was to go straight to bed after Casualty on Saturday night to get a good night's sleep. I was down in Bristol & South Glos, so only a 40 minute drive which helped as well. However the real plus was being able to use my own laptop with my VGA adaptor which meant I could have my notes for the important powerpoints on my screen at the same time - although by the end of the 4 sessions I didn't need them! So much easier and relaxing when the IT is easy. I've got the training times down pat now - the ones on the recommended training plan either side of the coffee break don't work for me. I have adjusted them, and get to the coffee break at a consistent point now. If I need to, I make time up on the feedback on the barriers exercise, as too much has been allowed and the answers can be so similar to both exercises. I'm also sticking with the 3 part scenarios for the 2nd laminated exercises as it diffuses the duplication with the later scenarios.

Lovely to see so many familiar faces and I learnt from a Peer Educator co-ordinator that the Free Being Me resource has been withdrawn, which I think is a great mistake. I did have one leader who was considerably overwhelmed and I accompanied her at the end to speak with the County Commissioner. Leaders were incredibly participative especially as they started off by saying they had been told to attend, but as the trainer I didn't get that feeling, the hours flew by with lots of relevant questions and engaging on topic conversation. Which is exactly how an effective training should feel, so I didn't mind giving up so much time. Can't believe how many mints leaders can consume but I believe they are needed especially in the run up to the coffee break.

It was nice to get an invite back to train on the new programme in June although I didn't appreciate the UHT milk in my tea as I thought they were trying to poison me - the milk drew the most negative comments I heard all weekend. B & SG also do the most amazing thank you gifts and I 've used my new travel cup all week, drawing comments at work because of the huge trefoil on either side!