Saturday 31 December 2016

Out with the old

How many of us have resources hidden away that we dip in and out of, both for training and using with our units? My guiding free month of December, the start of the new year, and announcement of the new programme means it feels like a good opportunity to sort through my 2 boxes of elderly resources. I found a lot to throw away:

  • based on old publications e.g handbook quiz
  • hand written produced in the days before computers
  • covered in sticky back plastic which doesn't last as well as lamination
  • old fashioned looking pictures e.g for a suitcase packing game
  • old fashioned typewriter fonts which are difficult to read
  •  too basic content for todays girls e.g fitness chart telling them not to pick black heads!
  •  factually incorrect content
  • generally old fashioned appearance e.g in relation to stranger danger.
I got my 2 boxes down to 1 box and had a trip down memory lane (I found a footprint game where I had drawn around my son's foot when he was 3 years & 4 months old he is now 16 years old!)

The paper recycling pile is the one on the left - the resources for keeping are back in the box.

So what went back into the box to keep a bit longer? Carol song sheets, scripts for a brownie panto, semaphore flags, guiding history quiz, water bug identification charts, plastic sewing squares, a set of brownie forfeits made into paw prints and a packet of wool cut to the length and colours for a friendship bracelet. Stuff I reckon I can still use in line with the 6 themes in the new programme.

What have you still got that you should throw away? What do you think you could re-use with the new programme?

Brownie 12 days of Christmas

The following was found in an old box of brownie resources which dates back to my days as a district helper in Tetbury (1995-1996).

Sing to the 12 days of Christmas tune:

On the 1st week of Brownies my Leaders said to me .......
      (and we)
1.   hope you'll be a happy brownie

2.   this will be your six

3.   work for your badges

4.   skip around a toadstool

5.   brownies "QUIET PLEASE!"

6.   anyone for ladders?

7.   why can't you remember?

8.   we're going to do some cooking

9.   would you like to sing?

10.  who does this below to?

11.  we're going to go to camp!

12.  we're the best pack in insert name of meeting place