Saturday 30 April 2016

Evaluation stickers

Wilkinsons £1 a pack

Discovered these at Wilkinsons they are ideal for doing evaluation and participation activities with the girls and leaders. Mix with another pack of plain coloured stickers for the "other" side of the vote or get the girls to use the smiley faces to show how they feel about the options on offer. Think they are a candidate for adding to the trainers and leaders bag.   

Sunday 24 April 2016

Division Queen's 90th birthday celebrations

Glos West Division - Queens' 90th birthday celebrations in Dursley.

Theses gorgeous celebration snacks were produced by our Trefoil Guild and are not what they look like. They are in fact sponge cake baked inside the cornet with butter cream made to look like ice cream - they were delicious. We had nearly 300 girls for Country dancing, royal craft and edible decorating - everyone enjoyed it and there was a lovely specially designed badge afterwards.
The point for training - make sure when you are teaching (in this instance country dancing) that the learners of the knowledge have the basics in place first e.g know right from left! Do we always check Leaders understand the 5 Essentials before we deliver the training?

Friday 22 April 2016

Self evaluation of another County Day Training Day

This is exactly why you should always write your self evaluation on the same day as the training and not a whole week later, but luckily I did make a few notes last weekend.

Funny how the same training can go down a different path depending on the audience - this was the same training delivered at Bristol and South Glos County day a month before. However I had my coping with challenging behaviour skills tested, this time by a couple of Leaders who voiced their opinion that GG UK was asking too much of them and as long as the brownies are happy and returning each week there was no need to pursue Good Guiding is ...  , Be our Best, Mission Spectacular even 5 E's etc. Whilst they were entitled to their opinion, and hats off to them for making it to a training, the other leaders were really keen to spring to the defence of GG UK - pointing out you choose what interests & challenges your girls.

I also trained my youngest member of the movement as she shuffled around the floor chewing on the cups from the communication cup game from "Be inventive" in Mission Spectacular - it was no trouble having her there.

The mission spectacular ideas jar was well received again with everyone eager to get heir 8 points in order to take an idea away from the jar. There was time to fit in the speed dating this time so that they could each feedback what they were going to take back to their programme planning - I think this was because we didn't need to spend long on Be our Best which had been broadcast during the inset week in October 2015 in Glos. As always the speed dating went well.

I did my photocopying straight after the March training and did fairly well on guessing the numbers except the handbook quiz which I completely forgot to copy - serves me right for being so organised.  Lots of conversation about how difficult the GG UK website is to search and retrieve resources from, but also impressed that there are some really good tools to be had if you persevere especially those around badge support.

All in all I was pleased with the training.