Sunday 6 December 2015

Succession Planning Toolkit

This is a WAGGGS toolkit produced as part of the Leadership in Girl Guiding & Girl Scouting range. It complements the Growing Guiding materials from GG UK and I especially like the way it includes "Discussion/Reflection Points" throughout. Appendix 2 provides a succession planning strategy template on a page - I used the resource in a training for Be our Best but equally it would lend itself to a Growing Guiding session, a Leadership training, or a commissioners one.

It was easy to find GG UK materials to illustrate the different elements of the toolkit - I would like to think they were designed in tandem but the resource dates from 2011.

I particularly like the final page, 47, which gives a load of lessons from geese! The penultimate being "We need to make sure our honking from behind is encouraging and not aggravating", I can see how that message translates to succession planning.