Sunday 31 May 2015

Inclusive Training Checklist

This was the title of a hand out from the Trainers conference last month. Useful if not common sense advice about how to make trainings accessible to all members under 3 headings of the training room, resources & activities. Interestingly the most accessible font was suggested as a sans serif one e.g Trebuchet, Arial, Tahoma & Verdana. I was always taught that Times New Roman was the most readable font, so I thought it was worth investigating. Turns out that for online reading a sans serif font is considered more legible than a serif font which Times New Roman is - so I will change my ways from now on.

The advice given on activities was equally as relevant for planning meetings as trainings e.g. have additional extension activities in your back pocket and support different ways of learning in those participating.

Good hand out  that needs a better title!