Saturday 29 December 2012

Back in the UK again!

I know it's been a long time but its all change now as we have moved back to the UK and I have returned back to work and thinking about professional CPD again. As there is some overlap with CPD in guiding and my professional life, I thought it was time to re-activate my blog.

My annual Girl Guiding UK training form is also due for submission so I need to start documenting just what I did do in 2012 - there were some activities but the main reason for my lack of posts was that I undertook an Open University module from November 2011 to April 2012 which I passed but decided that at 40 somethingish my days of 3 hour exams are well over! I did enjoy the experience of my first long distance course, and the case study involving 3 assignments has given me some really good insights and prepared me for the return to work in September 2012 following the move back home in July 2012.  (I also hear that long distance learning is going to be the preferred way of learning in the future).

So Girl Guiding has gone on the back burner until 30th June 2013 but I am assisting with a Guide unit on a monthly basis to keep my hand in. In the meantime one of my new years resolutions is to start blogging again.