Saturday 16 April 2011

Reflection on BGIG Training weekend

Now I have submitted my triennial renewal form for my Training Qualification complete with observation I decided it was time to start filling in the new paperwork for my 2011 training diary and start as I mean to go on with good pure reflection! However "The Trainer's reflective training diary" wasn't quite as user friendly as I had hoped; therefore I have given up for the time being and emailed a few questions on how to tame it, off to London.

In the meantime I thought I would capture some of the reflection here (before I forget). I'm pleased I put together the games booklet and activity packs - never anticipated there would be anyone present with a latex allergy! I finally found a use for the SW Region folding frisbee in an ice-breaker. Nor had I appreciated just how new the Brownie guiders would be to guiding and I spent a lot longer on the 5 Essentials than I had expected. I'm glad I did the 5 E's book-marks; they looked a bit like frightened rabbits when I asked if anyone knew what the 5 E's were? After I had initially being sceptical of the new Guiding Handbook it actually came in quite useful. I need to use a different brownie quiz to the one in Anglia's Pic 'n' mix as the guiders found it quite difficult to answer, (and I originally gave out the answers instead of the quiz). It was lovely to see the light bulbs going on in the middle session. It seemed to work well getting them to develop the unit team collage as the training progressed. I would have liked more time to go into the Brownie programme but I think in retrospect we had covered a lot of ground in the 3 hours. The craft bag with make a brownie craft seemed to go down well.

Saturday night entertainment of Guiding Trivial Persuits was well received (thank you Lesley) and a select group of guiders still ended up singing in the bar. Sunday sessions were in the main too short and the evaluation highlighted that the 45 min sessions were not well received. There was a great deal of contribution on the Sunday sessions - thank you to the training team.